
8.30 AM - 9.20 AM
Breakfast & Registration
9.20 AM - 9.30 AM
Welcome Address
9.30 AM - 10.10 AM
Key Note Address
Procurement’s importance for generating value: The strategies ahead
10.10 AM - 11.25 AM
Roundtable 1 - CPO Chat
Procurement dynamics are evolving rapidly. The shift towards modern methods is reshaping traditional practices. Location strategy is increasingly crucial, not just for proximity but for global optimization. CPOs grapple with transformation challenges and ensure supply continuity amid disruptions. Many focus on core competencies while outsourcing non-core activities. What are the Key performance indicators (KPIs) for the new procurement?
11.25AM - 11.45AM
Special Address - Harnessing Gen AI and Innovation in Procurement: A Leader’s Perspective (GEP)
11.45 AM - 12.00 PM
Networking Break
12.00 PM - 1.15 PM
Roundtable 2 - Intelligent Procurement Technology
To drive digital transformation in procurement, we emphasize building tech intensity. This includes enhancing third-party risk management visibility and leveraging analytics for deeper insights.
1.15 PM - 2.00 PM
Lunch Break
2:00 PM - 3:15 PM
Roundtable 3 - Sustainability and Ethical Sourcing
Modern procurement emphasizes sustainability and ethics. Firms prioritize environmental impact, social responsibility, and ethical considerations in supplier selection and supply chain management, reflecting a crucial aspect of transformation.
3.15 PM - 3.30 PM
Networking Break
3.30 PM - 4.45 PM
Roundtable 4 - Influence of Aggregator Ecosystems
Aggregator ecosystems significantly impact supplier relationships, pricing strategies, and market dynamics. They consolidate demand and bargaining power, reshaping traditional procurement approaches.
4:45 PM - 5:45 PM
Felicitation & Awards
5:45 PM - 6:00 PM
Vote of Thanks & Group Photo